Thursday, 10 October 2013

AUDIO: Ender's Game Q&A with Harrison Ford and Asa Butterfield, London

On 7 October 2013, MCM hosted an exclusive panel with the stars and filmmakers of Ender’s Game at London’s Leicester Square Odeon, UK. I was lucky enough to bag a ticket and be in the same room with cinematic royalty.

The exclusive panel included Harrison Ford, yes, HARRISON FORD (Star Wars, Indiana Jones), Asa Butterfield (Hugo), Oscar nominated Hailee Steinfeld (True Grit) and Ben Kingsley (Schindler's List, Ghandi). Also in attendance was the film’s director and writer Gavin Hood (X-Men Origins: Wolverine), and producers Bob Orci (The Amazing Spider-Man 2) and Gigi Pritzker (Drive).

Ender's Game panel L-R: Producers Bob Orci & Gigi Ptitzker, Actors Sir Ben Kingsley, Asa Butterfield, Harrison Ford, Hailee Steinfed and Director Gavin Hood

I recorded the panel for your enjoyment (not pro I'm afraid - it is patchy in places due to mics not being spoken into closely enough), so please feel free to download and share and follow the Geek Girl Facebook page and follow Geek Girl on Twitter for more fun...


Ben Kingsley discussing his facial tattoos in Ender's Game
Stand to attention! Ender's Game guards
keeping an eye on us
L-R: 'Ender' aka Asa Butterfield with co-stars Harrison Ford and Hailee Steinfeld
World exclusive clips of the film were shown
Actor Hailee Steinfeld and Director Gavin Hood discuss their working relationship and how she coped with the anti-gravity harness scenes
Posted by: Geek Girl Kerensa Creswell-Bryant
Geek Girl, Updated at: 20:01

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